
Share YouView, Internet TV service launches in UK What is YouView? It is an internet TV service that combines the United Kingdom which was formally launched on 4th july 2012. It is a joint venture of BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5; Along with three other communication companies Arqiva, BT and Talk Talk. It consists of set top box […]

Categories: Uncategorized

ShareUK Judge said that HTC has not copied 4 technologies which Apple had claimed as its own. Only patent that was ruled to be valid related to Apple’s photo management software, but HTC did not infrige on it, according to court. The other three patents which declare as invalid are multi touch software, alphabet changing software and  “slide to unlock a mobile […]

Categories: Apple

ShareFinally apple settle down its big trouble in china, they has paid paid 60 million US dollars to settle a dispute in China over ownership of the iPad name, a court announced, removing a potential obstacle to sales of the popular tablet computer in the key Chinese market. Apple’s dispute with Shenzhen Proview Technology highlighted the possible pitfalls for global companies […]

Categories: Apple